Make:Shift:Do – Introducing 3D digital modelling

Make:Shift:Do 2017

Make:Shift:Do – Introducing 3D digital modelling

Make:Shift:Do 2017, Workshop on 3D modelling for designer makers and applied artists.
Make:Shift:Do 2017, Workshop on 3D modelling for designer makers and applied artists.

Feel that you are missing out on the potential that 3D digital designing and 3D printing can offer you? Are standard Computer Aided Design packages too prescriptive for your style of working? Want to try a serious fun way to expand your craft practice?

Two one day workshops were held in Edinburgh on 27th and 28th October, part of the Crafts Council’s nationwide Make:Shift:Do events.  

Haptic (virtual touch) 3D modelling

Ruth's 3D digital models
Ruth’s 3D digital models

Participants were introduced to haptic 3D modelling using haptic 3D design package, Anarkik 3D Design, which is amazingly enjoyable to use and gives access to the exciting technology of 3D printing.

Haptic (virtual 3D touch) modelling software developed by Anarkik3D uses a haptic device to make working in 3D more natural, easy and quick to learn. It is ideal for short workshops: to quickly get to grips with 3D digital modelling, for people with little or no experience of digital 3D modelling. It can help with making informed decisions on how digital making can fit into and expand craft practice.

Helen Peak's cluster of models.
Helen Peak’s cluster of models.

Anarkik 3D Design is designed by designer makers for designer makers and for 3D printing. An Ultimaker2 desktop 3D printer was running during the workshops to demonstrate the practical aspects of this technology, and a variety of 3D printed objects in different materials were available to handle. Numbers are limited to five persons per workshop/per tutor so that each person has personal tuition.


Make:Shift:Do is a nationwide programme of craft and innovation workshops.

Helen's 3D digital model.
Helen’s 3D digital model.

Organised by the Crafts Council in partnership with founding partners, the V&A and Institute of Making at UCL events took place last October  across the UK, at makerspaces, fablabs, museums, libraries, galleries, and universities.

Craft Council’s Make:Shift:Do event

The tutor

Ann Marie Shillito, author of the book ‘Digital Crafts – Industrial Technologies for Applied Artists & Designer Makers’, is an experienced teacher and a user of both the software and 3D printing. She is also a founder of Anarkik3D Ltd and its CEO.