For freelancers/sole traders and for Corporates/Institutions

Try out and enjoy the experience of haptic 3D digital modelling in your own space, at your own pace. Due to Brexit making international transactions almost impossible we regret that these schemes are only available in the UK.

For freelancers and sole traders in the designer maker sector

Anarkik3D’s standard loan scheme enables you to distance learn Anarkik3DDesign to create 3D digital forms and investigate the potential of 3D printing for enhancing your practice.

Anarkik3DDesign uses a Falcon desktop haptic device for 3D virtual touch – our WOW effect because you can physically touch and feel virtual objects as you create them! Why is this good?

Haptics makes Anarkik3DDesign easy and fun to learn and use. Within the three month loan period you can master it yourself and create forms to 3D print. No CAD experience is required to get going.

And Anarkik3DDesign is optimised for 3D printing!

Applied artists love our programme and you can read their comments on our home page.

Two options: fixed sum for 3 months with part a returnable deposit when you return the hardware in good condition.

Package 1: £400 (+ VAT on £150) for Cloud9 (for PC or MAC, short-term software license ) and the haptic device. £250 is refunded when the haptic device is returned in good order. The loan fee works out at £50 (+£10 VAT) a month.

Package 2: £700 (+ VAT on £210) for a laptop set up with Cloud9, and the haptic device. £490 refunded when laptop and haptic device are returned in good order. The loan fees works out at £70 (+£14 VAT) a month.

For full information for this specific offer go here.

Professional Member of Applied Arts Scotland? Here is your special offer.

Completed set-up of Anarkik3D Design Loan Scheme: Cloud9 software and Falcon haptic device.
Completed set-up of Anarkik3D Design Loan Scheme: Cloud9 software and Falcon haptic device.


Two options :

Bundle 1: ASUS laptop (with the Cloud9 software installed) and a Falcon haptic device. Monthly fee: £80.00 (+ VAT) a month.

Bundle 2: a Falcon haptic device and short-term software license. Download Cloud9 for PC or MAC to your own laptop (please make sure your computer/laptop is the right specification*). Monthly fee: £60.00 (+ VAT) a month.

You can read the ANARKIK3DDESIGN STANDARD LOAN SCHEME AGREEMENT by downloading it from HERE.

Summary of the Terms & conditions

The minimum LENGTH OF LOAN PERIOD is 1 month. We ask for a deposit (refundable) on the hardware (£900 for bundle 1, and £450 for bundle 2). You are responsible for insuring the hardware while in your possession, and returning it in the condition received. If any of it is damaged you agree to replace it with similar. Anarkik3D gets the kit to you. If you can collect you can have a free introductory tutorial.

We are here for you to help you get creative!

*For PCs: at least 4MB memory and a decent graphic card. For MACs: upgrade if necessary to High Sierra. Please read info on Anarkik3D website (link to support info is here and here).