designer maker

Birgit and Ann Marie giving hands-on demos of haptic 3D modelling to just some of our many visitors at Munich International Handwerk&Design Fair.

Feedback from designer makers and students confirmed that Anarkik3D Design 3D modelling programme is on the right trajectory as it is focused on providing a straightforward interface and selected functionality, both fundamental to enabling many to finally access 3D print technologies. So many visitors delighted in finding an alternative programme to CAD.

Anarkik3D's CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, included on 3Ders 2018 list of influential and inspiring women in 3D printing.

International Women’s Day, March  2018: Anarkik3D’s CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, who is also an internationally known designer maker/jeweller, is one of’s 50 influential & inspiring women in 3D printing For the 2nd year, this time for Women’s Day 2018, Anarkik3D’s CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, has been included on‘s  (non-exhaustive) list of influential women in the 3D printing industry that Tess Boissonneault compiled on 8th March. 3Ders provides the latest news about 3D printing technology and 3D printers. It is now six years old and has around 1.5 million unique visitors per month.   “In light of the ongoing struggles for women in tech, 3DersRead More →