Ann Marie Shillito started her working life as a professional jeweller. She became a researcher at Edinburgh College of Art to investigate digital 3D design technologies such as CAD, and the potential of haptics as a better way of 3D digital modelling. She had found that, like herself, the complexity of most 3D CAD and modelling packages was off-putting for many applied artists and designers.
With her senior computer scientist she founded Anarkik3D Ltd to develop 3D modelling software that uses a ‘3D haptic device’ instead of a 2D mouse. Haptics means touch and the device provides the user with the sensation of tactile feedback .
Ann Marie uses Anarkik3DDesign to create her work which is designed for 3D printing. She used the software to create her daughter’s wedding ring, 3D printed in titanium.

Since developing arthritis in her thumbs Ann Marie found it painful to create jewellery in the traditional way. Its just great that the advantages of haptic 3D modelling and 3D printing have enabled her to continue as a jeweller.
In 2017 she produced 3 collections of work for an exhibition of 3D printed jewellery in GalerieV&V in Vienna which she co-curated with Birgit Laken and Veronika Schwarzinger, owner of the Gallery.
In 2019 she designed a Bee pin. 5% of sales from the pin goes to SumOfUs for the protection of bees by opposing the giant chemical companies selling pesticides that harm bees.

1947: Born in Zambia
1965-1967: Birmingham College of Art, Diploma in Art and Design Awards
1968-1971: Royal College of Art, London. M.Des. RCA (Silver medal: designs for production).
1999-2006: Research Fellow at Edinburgh College of Art studying 3D modelling & haptics
1997: Award for Individual Development from the Scottish Arts Council
1998: Anne Marie has her first model printed in ABS plastic. The bangle was painted and had gold leaf added. It is still wearable today
1999: Crafts Award from Inches Carr Trust
2007: Founded Anarkik3D with software engineer Xiaoqing Cao
2011: Ann Marie designs a wedding ring for one of her daughters using Anarkik3D Design. This was printed in titanium.
2013: Publication of Ann Marie’s seminal book ‘Digital Crafts – Industrial Technologies for Applied Artists & Designer-Makers’
2013: Anarkik3D awarded Best Consumer Software at 3DPrintShow Global Awards
2016/17: Ann Marie designs neck piece 3D printed in coloured paper for Association for Contemporary Jewellery 20th Anniversary touring exhibition.
2017: Ann Marie curates and exhibits in an exhibition of 3D printed jewellery at GalerieV&V in Vienna
2017: Ann Marie invited to take part in panel discussion at Wiener Schmucktage, Vienna’s 7 day Festival of Jewellery
2017: Ann Marie and Birgit Laken run 2 day workshop on 3D digital modelling at Wiener Schmucktage, using haptic Anarkik3D Design