Anarkik3D Events in February through to June 2015

V&ADundee Touring Gallery
V&ADundee Touring Gallery

Feb to mid-June 2015. Exhibition ‘Design in Motion’ organised by V&ADundee and in the Travelling Gallery Bus. This wonderful venture was launched on 13th Feb and the bus then toured to over 70 places in Scotland. This was a great opportunity to try haptics (virtual touch) as our haptic Anarkik3D Design 3D modelling software was included in the exhibition. Haptics is amazing and makes working in 3D so much easier! Over 10,000 people visited the Gallery and probably most had a try.

3rd February. Taster Class. This class was full to overflowing!

12th February: The workshop we held at the Barony Centre, CraftTownScotland (CTS) was a short course on 3D modelling for 3D printing and was particularly focused on the needs of designer makers. It was sponsored by both CTS and the Incorporation of Goldsmiths.

Madrid 3DPrintShow 2015
Madrid 3DPrintShow 2015

12th-13th March 2015. Madrid 3DPrintShow: Anarkik3D’s CEO was invited to give a presentation at this event. Anarkik3D also had a stand so that visitors could get a demo of haptic 3D modelling.

19th April. Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire. We were again not selected for this and and very unsure about why as both our Anarkik3D Design package and the Ultimaker2 3D printer are about creative and inclusive making.

20th April. V&ADundee evening event in Inverness for teachers and lecturers: Anarkik3D’s CEO gave a presentation about 3D modelling for 3D printing and the exciting way that designer makers, applied artists and artists are using these technologies in their work.

Kids just love haptics
Kids just love haptics

21st – 23rd May. 3DPrintShow London: Anarkik3D again, 4th year running, had a stand at this fabulous event. And it was special as we launched Cloud9 V3, our haptic software, which is bundled with the Falcon haptic device as Anarkik3D Design package. We not quite ready to launch AnarkikCreations to make it extra special! The launch will be 1st November with a crowdfunding campaign!

11th May. Feasibility project ‘Touchable Universe’ (funded by Innovate UK for ideas on learning technologies): the deadline for our final report.

21st May. Anarkik3D, Glastonbridge Software Ltd and Stakeholder Design presened our collaborative ‘Touchable Universe’ Project at a Collaboration Nation Event held in London.

10th June. Xpo North: Anarkik3D’s CEO was on a discussion panel that covered issues within the Creative Industries.

21st June: V&ADundee’s Exhibition ‘Design in Motion’ in the Travelling Gallery arrived at the V&A in London at the end of its 17 week tour!

Mid June. ‘HandMadebyMachine’ exhibition and symposium in Glasgow. Anarkik3D’s CEO gave a presentation about 3D modelling for 3D printing and showed the exciting work that designer makers, applied artists and artists are creating using these technologies.