Anarkik3D's Blog of interesting stuff (Page 6)

Anarkik3D's blog of interesting stuff keeps you up-to-date with 3D modelling and 3D printing for designer-makers, in addition to the latest about Anarkik3DDesign and offers.

Removing the CAD barrier to 3D printing! for jewellery students. Last Monday was exciting and fun as we showed that Anarkik 3D Design can remove that CAD barrier! 6 jewellers with little expertise in 3D digital modelling, on this 1 day, each created a model for 3D printing for an exhibition.

Fending off competitors (including Google’s Sketchup Pro), Ann Marie Shillito, CEO of Anarkik3D, collects the Best Consumer Software award at the 2013 3DPrintShow Global Awards ceremony in London.

Thank you, thank you to all our supporters as this award was on the votes of the public, not the panel. We would like to thank Sculpteo for sponsoring our ‘3D Consequences’ Project and models shown at 3DPrintShow.

What a thrill it was on the night of the 7th Nov, and a pleasure, to go up and receive the 3D printed award from Kerry Hogarth, the amazing woman behind the 3DPrintShows! It was a brilliant evening and the other awards were well deserved, especially the one that went to Mcor.

[slideshare id=27582792&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] <div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”″ title=”Creative Digital Anarky: 3D modelling for 3D printing” target=”_blank”>Creative Digital Anarky: 3D modelling for 3D printing</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”” target=”_blank”>AnnMarieShillito</a></strong> </div>

This book showcases ground-breaking methods and techniques that have been adapted from industry and are now being applied by designer-makers. To the uninitiated, these technologies may seem complex, but this book explains simply and clearly how they have developed, how they work, and their application. Packed full with case studies of artists using these processes, this book demonstrates that outstanding work is possible with the right equipment and know-how, and argues that designer makers have the mindset, skills and knowledge to creatively engage with these industrial technologies.

Available to purchase online from “Bloomsbury” ( and “Amazon” (>.

Anarkik3D’s ‘3D Consequences’ – update 6th April 2014: Ann Marie Shillito attended both openings of the ‘Wear IT’ exhibition at StudioFusion Gallery, London,which went on until 7th June, ‘Wear IT’ was an exhibition of 3D printed jewellery and Anarkik3D‘s ‘3D Consequences’ collaborative project. The results of the 3D modelling by 4 Scottish connected designer makers had been 3D printed in either polyamide (sponsored by Sculpteo) or paper (sponsored by ITEC-3D/Mcor) and all is on display. The 4 jewellers in ‘3D Consequences’ were Farah Bandookwala,  Elizabeth Armour, Lucy Robertson and ANn Marie Shillito! StudioFusion appropriately also stock my book ‘Digital Crafts’ and I was signing copies at the opening.Read More →

Our 3D modelling package, Anarkik 3D Design (Cloud9 bundled with the Falcon haptic device), was there on both iMakr Store Opening evenings, on 30th April and 1st May. Anarkik3D’s CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, was there on the 30th and introduced to the waiting crowds along with Adrian Bowyer, the inventor of the RepRap, Solidoodle’s CEO and Founder, Sam Cervantes and iMakr’s technical staff who will run the 3D printers, scanners, software, and shop. Once the doors were opened the space on both floors filled up – people buzzing with excitement and eager to see the machines and the 3D printed models displayed in neat boxed shelving onRead More →

11 month’s ago I headlined a post on my own blog titled  “Is a designer ‘cheating’ if they use 3D modelling packages that are incredibly ‘easy to learn and use’?” The following quote from Nick Grace who runs RapidForm at the Royal College of Art in London is pertinent to my blog point about complexity of process excluding many talented and creative people from using digital tools such as 3D modelling and 3D printing as they do not have the time and resources to begin to learn software of any sort with steep learning curves. Any tool that aids their practice is fair gameRead More →