3D modelling (Page 2)

Anarkik3D and Calm Technology As a new CEO of Anarkik3D in 2007, I perceived our approach to the development of 3D software as something like this: “Visualise an elegant swan gliding along calmly and effortlessly (a metaphore for our user interface) and under water superbly evolved webbed feet (the programme we build) paddle away relentlessly against the current (general computer applications) to get where it wants to be (a new enjoyable user experience)”. This core principle is the heart of Anarkik3D’s remarkable 3D modelling programme built specifically for designer makers for their way of thinking and doing. Anarkik3DDesign, with virtual 3D touch (haptics) The 3DRead More →

National exhibitions of Leonardo's drawings: Ulster Museum in Belfast, N. Ireland

The nationwide ‘Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing’* exhibitions mark the 500th anniversary of his death. As part of the Ulster Museum‘s programme of events in Belfast, centred around their exhibition of Leonardo’s Drawings’ the Museum’s Education Officer organised workshops on 25th and 26th April on 3D modelling for 3D printing. The two one-day workshops were for teachers, designer makers and students and used Anarkik3D Design haptic 3D modelling programme. Workshop for school teachers The first workshop was for school teachers to experience haptic 3D modelling. The haptic sensation, as 3D virtual touch, makes Anarkik3D Design easy to access as no previous experience of 3DRead More →

Ursula Guttmann: Free form designing created in an ANARKIK3D DESIGN MASTERCLASS/ workshop using this haptic 3D modelling programme.

ANARKIK3D DESIGN MASTERCLASS Q&A: “Intuitive Haptic 3D Digital Modelling” This masterclass was held on 13 Oct – 14 Oct 2018, in London, and run by Ann Marie Shillito. Q. Regarding the Anarkik3D Design Masterclass, what is the difference between a workshop and a Masterclass? A. A workshop is a more general learning environment for explorations within a theme, be that context, material or process. A masterclass is a more intensive learning environment for professionals within a specific discipline and run by an expert in that discipline. This masterclass has more clearly defined outcomes and is structured to achieve these. Ann Marie Shillito, running the masterclass,Read More →

Ursula Guttmann: Free form designing created in an ANARKIK3D DESIGN MASTERCLASS/ workshop using this haptic 3D modelling programme.

International Jewellery Symposium A 3 day International Jewellery Symposium at the Fashion Institute of Technology in May in New York, in partnership with Politecnico di Milano, will discuss issues surrounding jewelry design and manufacturing, digital v handmade and the shift in recent years with the wider use of computer aided design and 3D printing. ‘….every tool, hand-held or digital—leaves its mark. This symposium will provide an arena for debate on how digital technology and making by hand duel for influence in the aesthetics, the use, and the cultural contexts of jewelry as both a manufactured product and as an applied art form.’ Paper and presentation One of the strands to beRead More →

At a 2 day Workshop/Masterclass on haptic 3D modelling at Wiener Schmucktage this November you have the chance to win the haptic 3D modelling package, Anarkik 3D Design, that will be use in this class. Also, mything will select the best 10 models to 3D print. Anarkik 3D Design is a product for artists/designers who struggle with conventional CAD.

Feel that you are missing out on the potential that 3D digital designing and 3D printing can offer you? Are standard Computer Aided Design packages too prescriptive for your style of working? Want to try a serious fun way to expand your craft practice? For the Crafts Council’s Make:Shift:Do national event on 27th and 28th October, Anarkik3D have 2 workshops in Edinburgh using haptic 3D modelling. It just has to be tried to grasp its potential for helping you expanding your craft practice with 3D printing. technologies

This book showcases ground-breaking methods and techniques that have been adapted from industry and are now being applied by designer-makers. To the uninitiated, these technologies may seem complex, but this book explains simply and clearly how they have developed, how they work, and their application. Packed full with case studies of artists using these processes, this book demonstrates that outstanding work is possible with the right equipment and know-how, and argues that designer makers have the mindset, skills and knowledge to creatively engage with these industrial technologies.

Available to purchase online from “Bloomsbury” (http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/digital-crafts-9781408127773/) and “Amazon” (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Crafts-Industrial-Technologies-Designer/dp/1408127776)

This is how prototyping progressed. Update on the post below: October 2016: three units were 3D printed in paper in colour on Mcor’s new 3D printer, prototyping them to check whether the holes through the length of the units could be cleared easily and how best to do that. The design of the units was moving towards what I wanted. Mcor’s ARKe technology offers high deffinition colour and our Anarkik3D Design package has some exciting ways to crisply colour surfaces by using coloured objects with complex curves and boolean subtraction. Serendipity is a delightful element in Anarkik3D Design which can be explored and played with as unexpectedRead More →

SlideShare presentation for #shemakes, a GirlGeekAcademy event in Melbourne, Austratia, 10th Sept 2016. Here is more information on each slide: Slide 1. My story: a career move from designer jeweller to running a software development company. The move seems a big leap but is really a very straight path helped along the way through collaborating with super techies and computer scientists and demonstrates the value that STEAM collaborations bring to innovation. Slide 2. My jewellery business specialised in using refractory metals such as titanium and niobium. Refractory metals are not easy to cut by hand but laser cuts them like butter and the technology madeRead More →