Flow: the concept
The concept of flow originates from psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s research and is essential for creativity, for focus and innovation.
The concept of flow originates from psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s research and is essential for creativity, for focus and innovation.
Slow design is an approach that embodies the mind-set that recognises and prefers simplicity and applicability. This makes space to embrace non-complexity over excess. It allows for ‘flow’ and for serendipity to happen, both important for creativity and innovation.
The people for whom I am writing this post believe in their expertise, integrity and autonomy as designer makers and applied artists, people who are open to learning new skills and open to the benefits of 3D digital technology: for enhancing their practice, helping make it more sustainable in the longer term – because they are concerned about the impact that climate breakdown is having globally. Hence this post on A 3D Digital Technology Journey: supporting a designer/maker’s more environmentally responsible practice. I am Ann Marie Shillito, a designer maker and jeweller, also co-founder and CEO of Anarkik3D Ltd. I have always been eco conscious.Read More →
Feedback from designer makers and students confirmed that Anarkik3D Design 3D modelling programme is on the right trajectory as it is focused on providing a straightforward interface and selected functionality, both fundamental to enabling many to finally access 3D print technologies. So many visitors delighted in finding an alternative programme to CAD.
Anarkik3D’s object for VADundee’s #myVADundee is, of course, its haptic 3D modelling software and here’s the reasons why: V&A Dundee, as an international centre of design, presents the brilliance of Scottish creativity: Anarkik3D is a young Scottish company that develops world leading haptic enabled software which makes designing in 3D inclusive! What is really remarkable about their 3D modelling product, Anarkik3D Design, is the haptics because haptic means touch! So with Anarkik3D Design you experience the WOW sensation of actually touching and feeling virtual 3D objects and their properties of hardness and softness and use this in designing. The off-the-shelf robot-like haptic device is prettyRead More →
International Women’s Day, March 2018: Anarkik3D’s CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, who is also an internationally known designer maker/jeweller, is one of 3Ders.org’s 50 influential & inspiring women in 3D printing For the 2nd year, this time for Women’s Day 2018, Anarkik3D’s CEO, Ann Marie Shillito, has been included on 3Ders.org‘s (non-exhaustive) list of influential women in the 3D printing industry that Tess Boissonneault compiled on 8th March. 3Ders provides the latest news about 3D printing technology and 3D printers. It is now six years old and has around 1.5 million unique visitors per month. “In light of the ongoing struggles for women in tech, 3DersRead More →
International Jewellery Symposium A 3 day International Jewellery Symposium at the Fashion Institute of Technology in May in New York, in partnership with Politecnico di Milano, will discuss issues surrounding jewelry design and manufacturing, digital v handmade and the shift in recent years with the wider use of computer aided design and 3D printing. ‘….every tool, hand-held or digital—leaves its mark. This symposium will provide an arena for debate on how digital technology and making by hand duel for influence in the aesthetics, the use, and the cultural contexts of jewelry as both a manufactured product and as an applied art form.’ Paper and presentation One of the strands to beRead More →
At a 2 day Workshop/Masterclass on haptic 3D modelling at Wiener Schmucktage this November you have the chance to win the haptic 3D modelling package, Anarkik 3D Design, that will be use in this class. Also, mything will select the best 10 models to 3D print. Anarkik 3D Design is a product for artists/designers who struggle with conventional CAD.
Feel that you are missing out on the potential that 3D digital designing and 3D printing can offer you? Are standard Computer Aided Design packages too prescriptive for your style of working? Want to try a serious fun way to expand your craft practice? For the Crafts Council’s Make:Shift:Do national event on 27th and 28th October, Anarkik3D have 2 workshops in Edinburgh using haptic 3D modelling. It just has to be tried to grasp its potential for helping you expanding your craft practice with 3D printing. technologies
This exciting exhibition of 3D printed jewellery by 10 international jewellers opens in Vienna on 5th October, 19:00-21:00, at GalerieV&V. The main criteria for selection is the jewellery maker’s love of ‘tools’, combining the possibilities of digital production with traditional making techniques. Each has there own different approach, some very personal, and others very pragmatic, yet both exploring the technology for the effects they can achieve.
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